Saturday 6 October 2012

Reward it wants me to win a phone, except I never do!

Every. Damned. Day.
Rockport wants me to tumble in zero gravity! For sure I will!

I want to be an astronaut. Even if it's just for ONE DAY.
Hilton Honors. Free stays until February something.

Win or die! there is no alternative!!!
Something something Light Art...

I wish I had a SLR camera so I could take light art pictures. If only that was the prize in this contest, I would win this contest for sure! Oh, crap. I just created a paradox.

Friday 5 October 2012

Ooooh! Spooky!

You can win the chance to learn the Caramilk secret (which has nothing to do with emulsion, I promise!) and meet Willy Wonka himself!

If you can fight Willy Wonka and knock him out in less than 5 minutes, you win ALL THE CHOCOLATE!!!
Now these mofos want to make me happy!!

They make you guess a magic place and then you can win trips or something. That fits my agenda for world conquest!!
I like WestJet a lot. I fly them whenever I can.

WestJet want to give me free stuff. I know they want to. They gave me bits and bites on a flight, which is awesome and it rhymes. I will win a million WestJet dollars and fly to the MOON.